
Funniest Summer Jokes with images for Work

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Experts say that having some banter during work hours might help the employees to work harder ( we made this up :P). Little humor during long days at work can help break the monotony and reduce stress levels. We care about it; hence, we have some funniest summer jokes for work. Check them out:

Summer Jokes for Work

1. Daughter’s summer vacation

Joke about Boss’s daughter’s summer vacation.

Boss: My daughter came to visit us for the summer vacation.

Employee: Wow, that’s great! Did you meet her at the airport?

Boss: No, I have known her for years.

2. Resuming work

Joke about tips on resuming work after summer.

Tips on resuming work after the summer break:

  • Arrive a little early to catch up on emails.
  • Set multiple alarms.
  • Just pretend that you remember how to do the tasks.

3. Coats and the air conditioners

Joke about winter coats and air conditioners.

Employee 1: Do you know what’s the best thing about summers?

Employee 2: What?

Employee 1: You no longer have to wear coats when leaving for work. You can just put them in your closet until they start cranking up the air conditioner.

4. The grief counselor

Joke about a friend who is planning to work as a gried counselor.

Friend 1: I found a great job for the summer.

Friend 2: I will work as a grief counselor at a swimsuit store.

5. Pie charts at the beach

Joke about an employee making pie charts on the beach.

Two best friends who work at the same company went to the beach on a sunny Sunday. After a couple of hours, one best friend said to another, ” I am finally enjoying the summer; take a look at the pie charts I made in the sand.

6. Robot on a vacation

Joke about robot going for summer vacation.

Why should a robot go on a summer vacation?

To recharge his batteries.

7. The packing routine

Joke about the packing routine everyone follows

Aren’t we all aware of the packing routine?

“Packing in a hurry 2 hours before leaving for a trip and unpacking 3 months after returning home.”

8. Bread on a vacation

Joke about bread going for vacation.

What did the bread do on vacation?

It loafed around.

9. Sheep on a vacation

Joke about sheep going to Bahamas for vacation.

Where did sheep go for vacation?



We hope that these jokes managed to make you and your co-workers laugh. You can now download and share these with free for free.

Stay tuned for more such jokes!

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