
Why Was Reiko Turned into a Joke Character?

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Do you know why Reiko became a joke character in Mortal Kombat? Are you wondering how a once-serious fighter lost his credibility? We’ve got you covered! Reiko was initially introduced as a brutal and mysterious warrior, but over time, various design choices and storytelling decisions transformed him into a subject of humor. In this article, we will break down the reasons behind this shift.

Reiko’s Evolution in Mortal Kombat

Reiko’s character changed dramatically over the years. He started as a ninja-inspired warrior but was later depicted in ways that made fans question his seriousness.

Reiko’s Origins and Early Concept

Reiko was first introduced in Mortal Kombat 4. Early designs suggested he was intended to be another ninja, similar to characters like Scorpion or Sub-Zero. However, since Mortal Kombat already had many ninjas, the developers decided to alter his appearance, giving him a more distinct identity.

Instead of a full ninja outfit, Reiko was given elements from Shao Kahn’s armor, including his arm guards. Additionally, his face was modeled after Ed Boon, one of the game’s creators. These changes resulted in a character that looked unique but still retained a ninja-like appearance.

Controversial Endings and Confusion

One of the biggest reasons Reiko started being seen as a joke character was his ending in Mortal Kombat 4. In the arcade version, his ending was simple—he walked through a portal. This was meant to be an inside joke among developers.

However, in the PlayStation version of the game, the ending was changed to show Reiko putting on Shao Kahn’s helmet. This led to widespread fan speculation that Reiko was somehow connected to Shao Kahn or even a reincarnation of him. This idea wasn’t intended by the developers but quickly became a source of confusion.

Shifts in Characterization

In later games, Reiko’s character continued to change. He was often depicted as someone obsessed with power, trying to take Shao Kahn’s throne. Instead of being a fierce warrior, he was now viewed as an arrogant figure who wanted to imitate Shao Kahn.

His appearance in Mortal Kombat: Armageddon reinforced this, showing him using similar moves to Shao Kahn, further cementing the idea that he was a copy rather than an original fighter.

How Reiko Became a Joke

Several factors contributed to Reiko’s transformation into a joke character:

FactorEffect on Reiko
Design ChangesHis altered appearance confused fans about his true identity.
Confusing EndingsThe Shao Kahn helmet ending led to unnecessary speculation.
Inconsistent StorytellingHe was given different personalities in different games, making it hard to take him seriously.
Film and Media DepictionsHis portrayal in the 2021 Mortal Kombat movie as a brainless brute disappointed fans.

The 2021 Mortal Kombat Movie’s Role

The 2021 Mortal Kombat movie further hurt Reiko’s reputation. In the film, he was portrayed as a mindless brute with no real personality or importance. This upset fans who remembered his original depiction as a strong warrior.

Instead of being a strategic and cunning character, he was shown as a simple villain who was easily defeated. This only added to the idea that he was not a serious fighter.

Fan Reactions

  • Disappointment: Many fans felt his character was wasted.
  • Frustration: Some were annoyed that he was treated as an afterthought.
  • Confusion: His character changes left many unsure of his role in Mortal Kombat.


Reiko’s transformation from a serious warrior to a joke character happened due to multiple factors. Poor design choices, confusing storylines, and weak portrayals in games and movies all contributed to his diminished reputation. While some still appreciate his potential, it’s clear that he has been treated inconsistently in the Mortal Kombat universe.

Will Reiko ever regain his former glory? Only time will tell!

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