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Winds blowing, drizzling, hot chocolate, and that sound of rain sums up the perfect rainy day for us. Make the most of rainy days with these hilarious jokes for adults that will surely crack you up with laughter. Check these out:
Rain Jokes for Adults
1. The Monday joke
Joke about warm days followed by sunny days.
Dad: What do you call a warm sunny day followed by two rainy days?
Son: What?
Dad: Monday
2. Rainy clouds and underpants
Joke about cloudy rains and their underpants.
Carl: What type of underpants do rainy clouds wear?
Jules: I don’t know. You tell me.
Carl: Thunderwear
3. The poodle joke
Joke about heavy rains.
Colleague 1: It has been raining cats and dogs since yesterday. It was so hard to travel to work.
Colleague 2: I know; I stepped into a poodle while coming to the office.
4. Spy and the rain
Joke about spies and rain.
Dad: How does a spy protect himself from rain?
Daughter: How?
Dad: He goes undercover.
5. Rain and Relatives
A funny joke between a couple and rain.
Wife: What is meant by ‘pain in my knee’?
Husband: It means that it is going to rain.
Wife: And what is meant by ‘pain in my neck’?
Husband: What?
Wife: It means that relatives are coming.
6. Reign of terror joke
Joke about rains leading to floods.
Colleague 1: What do you call rain that leads to floods in the city?
Colleague 2: What?
Colleague 1: Rain of terror
7. Classic Knock Knock joke
Classic knock-knock joke about rain.
Knock Knock
Who’s there?
Lettuce who?
Lettuce in. It’s raining heavily outside.
8. Ripped umbrella joke
Joke about a man carrying a ripped umbrella.
A man was carrying a ripped umbrella while it was raining. When asked why he was carrying an umbrella with a hole in it. He replied, “How will I know when it starts to rain”?
We hope that you enjoyed these funny rain jokes. Download and share these jokes with your friends and family for free. Stay tuned for more such content.