Dad Jokes about Time
1. Timer clock joke
Joke about the timer clock bought by dad.
Dad got a timer clock out of the blue; the kids were alarmed.
2. Casio and Rolex
Joke about dogs named Casio and Rolex.
Dad: Why did the man name his dogs Casio and Rolex?
Son: Why?
Dad: Because they were watchdogs.
3. Five watches
Joke about dad buying too many watches.
Dad: I got five watches from the market today.
Daughter: Why did you get so many watches?
Dad: To have a lot of time in my hand.
4. The reflection joke
Joke about dad and reflection.
Dad was holding his watch up to the mirror, so I asked him, ‘Dad, what are you doing?”
Dad replied, “It’s time for reflection.”
5. Waisted joke
Joke about a belt with an attached watch.
Dad: What do you call a belt with a watch attached to it?
Son: What?
Dad: Waist of time.
6. Dentist’s appointment
Joke about dad booking a dentist’s appointment.
Son: Dad, did you get a dentist’s appointment for today?
Dad: Yes, it’s for tooth-hurt-y.
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