
Good April Fools Jokes for Friends

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Nothing feels better than spending quality time and sharing a good laugh with your close pals. Check out some of the hilarious April fools’ jokes for friends. Check them out:

April Fools jokes for Friends

1. April Mules’ Day

Joke about the donkey teasing his friend.

Why was donkey teasing his friend?

Because it was April Mules’ Day.

2. My strong best friend

Joke about a strong best friend.

My best friend thinks she is the strongest, and nothing can make her cry.

So I threw a ball and made her realize she was wrong.

3. Classic April Fools’ Day joke

Joke about making fun of a friend on April Fools’ Day.

Since April Fools’ Day has been canceled this year,

Don’t worry will celebrate some other day for you.

4. Fooling friends

Joke about friends getting fooled on April Fools’ Day.

My friends cannot be fooled on April Fools’ Day because they have been fooled too many times during their entire lifetime.


We hope that these hilarious jokes made you and your friends giggle. Do not forget to download and share them for free with your friends.

Stay tuned for more such content!

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